True indians

True indians

Welcome to Full Of Laughs

hello and welcome to Full Of Laughs . created by the uncreative Don Desmond . A blog is fun but consumes time . but whats the problem i got time, i got time (astro max) . after soo many people forced me to start my blog , at last i did . So have a good time reading and enjoy. One day nasa wanted to send someone to stay on the moon . but there is a high possibility that the person wont come back . so they called an engineer and said i'll pay you one million to go to the moon . the engineer replied "give me some time to think ". in the process they called a doctor and said they'll pay him 2 million 2 go to the moon , and the doctor replied " i need some time to talk this over with my family " . and he left . while they were busy thinkin nasa called in a lawyer for the interview , and said they'll pay him 5 million to go to the moon . and guess wat he replied ' no problem , when will i have to leave " . they were shocked . he didnt ask for anythin , time to think or discuss wit his famly . so nasa begined their preperation . it was all ready by the 31 of june . but on that day the lawyer didnt turn up but the engineer and the doctor turned up . what the lawyer did was , he had 5 million . so he payed 1 million to the engineer and 2 million 2 the doctor . and he's still left with 2 million . so in the end the lawyer became richer without doing anything . and the other two people went to the moon . end of story . have a good time reading .

Friday 23 November 2007

who says that i cant sing . so lets see R2Y cell IDOL

this was us in R2Y cell one week before the competition .a ll confident and choosing songs that suites them best . well for me i can sing any song . like i said natural talents . but did i win . wait and see

this is on the competition day . after gatherring everyone we kicked off . the pressure was intensed and the competition and rivalry was as the uttter most high .

this is me eating while the competition is goin on . when im tensed up thats what i do plus i do some stupid things that are fun .

this is my biggest scare he has a wonderfull voice but was it scary . haha . we'll see . he's the male mariah carey

and this is me cooly watchin him . not being scared but juz intimidated.normal lar .

and this is me eatin again while waitin for the results

and the winner for the female category was a gurl ut i forgot her name . sorry

and the all confident , sure to win , good lookin , macho and everything nice . the winner with no doubts . DON DESMOND ARALIS ..... ME .....

and for foriegn song was my buddy the one and only DEXTER TEH .

this is a photo of us eatin in kwang yew and aunty pats old apartment . great remembrance that ill treasure for life .

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