True indians

True indians

Welcome to Full Of Laughs

hello and welcome to Full Of Laughs . created by the uncreative Don Desmond . A blog is fun but consumes time . but whats the problem i got time, i got time (astro max) . after soo many people forced me to start my blog , at last i did . So have a good time reading and enjoy. One day nasa wanted to send someone to stay on the moon . but there is a high possibility that the person wont come back . so they called an engineer and said i'll pay you one million to go to the moon . the engineer replied "give me some time to think ". in the process they called a doctor and said they'll pay him 2 million 2 go to the moon , and the doctor replied " i need some time to talk this over with my family " . and he left . while they were busy thinkin nasa called in a lawyer for the interview , and said they'll pay him 5 million to go to the moon . and guess wat he replied ' no problem , when will i have to leave " . they were shocked . he didnt ask for anythin , time to think or discuss wit his famly . so nasa begined their preperation . it was all ready by the 31 of june . but on that day the lawyer didnt turn up but the engineer and the doctor turned up . what the lawyer did was , he had 5 million . so he payed 1 million to the engineer and 2 million 2 the doctor . and he's still left with 2 million . so in the end the lawyer became richer without doing anything . and the other two people went to the moon . end of story . have a good time reading .

Tuesday 11 March 2008


well , this is my friends favourite colour . when i asked her what to blog about and she said purple . so here it goes . PURPLE . purple is not only a colour but its also a name of magazine . and its an old one . so here is wat purple actually is Royalty and Spirituality: Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality. The opposites of hot red and cool blue . hmmm . i guess noone knew that . but wait there's more to come . so sit back and relax .

well the nature of purple is a special, almost sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are often delicate and considered precious. Because purple is derived from the mixing of a strong warm and strong cool color it has both warm and cool properties. A purple room can boost a child's imagination or an artist's creativity. Too much purple, like blue, could result in moodiness. aha . i bet u didnt know this either . shockin isnt it . but wait ,it also hos its nature

the nature of purplr on the other hand is mourning for widows in Thailand, purple was the favorite color of Egypt's Cleopatra. It has been traditionally associated with royalty in many cultures. Purple robes were worn by royalty and people of authority or high rank. The Purple Heart is a U.S. Military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle. ermmm . so much about purple , you're already thinkin of makin it your favourite colour ar .

using purple deep or bright purples suggest riches while lighter purples are more romantic and delicate. Use redder purples for a warmer color scheme or the bluer purples to cool down. wow . i thought blue was calmin . thats very new .

and there's also what it represents good and bad . there are many things like
Good purple

* Purple cow - something remarkable, eye-catching, unusual
* Purple prose - exaggeration, highly imaginative writing (also has negative connotations)

Bad purple

* Purple speech - profanity, raunchy language
* Purple prose - exaggeration, colorful lies
* Purple haze - state of confusion or euphoria, possibly drug-induced, type of marijuana


so the question is now , is purple your fauvorite colour ???


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